
Awalnya Ngajak Bakar Ayam, Namun Wanita Ini Malah Digilir 6 Pemuda

With fine woodwork and a warm lighting, the Regina Hotel in Paris radiates a very cozy and welcoming atmosphere conducive for relaxation. With 30 suites and 90 rooms, this hotel is the best place to experience comfort and elegance while enjoying the excitement and thrill Paris can bring to anyone who chose to visit the city. Once you enter their revolving door, you will surely be captivated with the perfect fusion of extreme designs that reflects classiness in a very elegant environment. Its classical designs carefully mask modern conveniences which allow visitors the chance to experience the classical Paris in modern times. Facilities and services at the Regina Hotel in Paris include babysitting services, currency exchange, spacious lounge, ample parking space for every visitors, high speed wi fi access, secretarial service, valet services, laundry and dry cleaning, Concierge desk, and 24 hour reception service. Every room are air conditioned with its own mini bar, telephone, safety deposit box, cabled television, and radio. Each room is also fitted with smoke detectors as a part of their safety measures strictly implemented by the management. Whatever your reasons for visiting the wonderful city of Paris, the Regina Hotel in Paris will always be around to provide the comfort you need with all its luxury and style to make your stay in the city a memory to cherish. John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. You can visit his website and learn more about Paris vacations as well as the Regina Hotel in Paris [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/hotel-regina-paris/]. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3813038

Seorang Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) berinisial DF, 20, menjadi korban perkosaan. Korban diperkosa secara bergilir oleh pelaku yang berjumlah enam orang. Kejadian tersebut terjadi di tepi sungai Desa Tangun, Kecamatan Bangun Purba, Rohul, Riau, Selasa (20/8) lalu. Kabid Humas Polda Riau, Kombes Sunarto mengatakan, peristiwa tragis itu terjadi sekitar pukul 20.00 WIB.

Saat itu AF, salah satu pelaku datang ke rumah kakak korban untuk menjemput korban. “Alasan AF, ingin mengajak korban untuk ikut bakar ayam bersama dengan temannya (pelaku) yang lain,” kata Sunarto dilansir dari Jawapos, kemarin. Tanpa menaruh curiga sedikitpun, akhirnya korban mengiyakan ajakan pelaku.

Awalnya pelaku membawa korban ke SPBU untuk mengisi bahan bakar sepeda motornya. Kemudian mengajaknya keliling di sekitar Desa Tangun. Tak lama setelah itu, pelaku membelokkan arah kendaraannya ke tepi sungai.

Saat itupun korban tak curiga, sebab ia melihat adanya tiga orang teman pelaku yang sudah menunggu di tempat itu. Korban pun tak menyangka bahwa para pria itu akan melampiaskan nafsu bejatnya. Namun nasib tragis akhirnya menimpa korban.

 Setelah turun dari motor, beberapa pria langsung menghampiri korban dan menahan tubuh korban. Sedangkan pelaku lainnya membuka celana dan pakaian dalam korban hingga korban dalam kondisi setengah telanjang.

“Pelaku menarik korban ke dalam gubuk. Disana korban digilir para pelaku. Setelah melampiaskan nafsunya, salah satu pelaku mengantar korban kembali ke rumah kakaknya,” ujar Sunarto. Setelah kejadian itu, korban merasakan sakit yang teramat perih dibagian kemaluannya. Akhirnya, korban yang tak terima atas perbuatan para pelaku yang telah menggagahinya,

The city of Paris is well known for its elegance and luxurious living that is why most of its hotel characterizes this quality by integrating in their hotels the best and paramount designs in room accommodations while providing the best service for various customers from different parts of the world. With the Regina Hotel in Paris, every room is fashionably decorated taking into consideration the subtle taste for refinement most customers wanted in their rooms. With top notch facilities and efficient service provided by the hotel staffs, Regina Hotel in Paris is one of the most liked hotels in the city. Facilities and services at the Regina Hotel in Paris include babysitting services, currency exchange, spacious lounge, ample parking space for every visitors, high speed wi fi access, secretarial service, valet services, laundry and dry cleaning, Concierge desk, and 24 hour reception service. Every room are air conditioned with its own mini bar, telephone, safety deposit box, cabled television, and radio. Each room is also fitted with smoke detectors as a part of their safety measures strictly implemented by the management. Whatever your reasons for visiting the wonderful city of Paris, the Regina Hotel in Paris will always be around to provide the comfort you need with all its luxury and style to make your stay in the city a memory to cherish. John is an experienced traveler and loves his Paris vacations. You can visit his website and learn more about Paris vacations as well as the Regina Hotel in Paris [http://www.parishotelsadvice.com/hotel-regina-paris/]. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Smitth/507303 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3813038
 langsung melaporkan kejadian yang menimpanya ke Polres Rohul. “Setelah laporan diterima dan sudah dilakukan visum terhadap korban, anggota Polres Rohul melakukan penyelidikan.

Salah satu pelaku akhirnya dapat tertangkap,” ungkapnya. Baca Juga :   Jual ABG Rp500 Ribu, Muncikari Dapat Upah Tiduri Gratis Adalah IR, 22, salah satu pelaku yang berhasil diamankan. Pria yang sehari-hari bekerja sebagai wiraswasta ini, diciduk petugas di rumahnya yang masih berada di Desa Tangun, Senin (10/9) sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB. “Dari hasil interogasi pelaku mengakui perbuatannya.

Itu dilakukan bersama lima rekannya, yaitu AF, MA, IL, EG dan BM. Sementara ini, IR dibawa ke Mapolres guna penyidikan. Sedangkan temannya yang lain masih dalam pengejaran,” pungkas Kombes Sunarto.(net)


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